First release of Fraternities, and few words of explanation

November 2016: “more details soon”
May 2017: …still nothing here

There were details, but just not here. I moved my activity to my facebook page. The reason is simple: my English in not very good. I mean, writing long posts is very time-consuming and a bit tiring for me. I wanted to write shorter posts, but maybe more often – and Facebook is great place for such an activity.

That blog won’t be maintained anymore. I’m going to migrate to weebly in the near future. Of course, I will post here link to new webpage.

If you are following my facebook page, you know already that I’m working on new game. Infinite Dungeon was working title, first release is named Fraternities and it won’t change again.

Fraternities is freeware roguelike game designed to support user-created content and high level of customization. Most (in future: all) of game data is stored in easy to edit yaml files (that can be open with any text editor). It is possible to use up to 26 worlds / settings in the same time.
Player is member of brotherhood that discover and travel through different universes and timelines. For now, the game loop is rather simple: player uses special device to choose realm to explore, then starts dungeon diving, come back to the brotherhood’s headquarters to build new updates. Fraternities is based on meta-progress so character progression is erased between runs.

I just released first build of Fraternities, for both Windows and Linux machines.  That first build is just techdemo or maybe even proof of concept, so you should expect bugs, missing features, lack of balance, and general weirdness. But it was necessary for me to draw a line in order to share some progress.

So, I hope you’ll enjoy that small-ish release of Fraternities. Since today, every new build will be more and more complete 🙂

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